Two nonprofits combine to lead the charge against child abuse and neglect

Two nonprofits in the region that have dedicated themselves to preventing child abuse and neglect have made the decision to join forces.

CAN Council Saginaw County announced recently that it is merging with Bay County's Nathan Weidner Children's Advocacy Center to create the CAN Council Great Lakes Bay Region. The new entity will strengthen programs and services that help prevent child abuse in the region, says Suzanne Greenberg, the president and CEO of the new non-profit.

"This is a major step to reach more children and families in our communities," she says. "Our organizations have had their own respective programs, but coming together under one organization will increase our ability to provide top-notch prevention, intervention and advocacy for children in our communities."

According to the two nonprofits, CAN Council Saginaw County and the NWCAC provided services to 4,050 children, families and professionals in Saginaw and Bay counties in 2010. Services included, but were not limited to: forensic interviewing, medical examinations, court advocacy, personal safety education, infant safety education and professional development.

"Those services were tailored to each community’s needs, and that will not change," Greenberg says. "We are looking forward to enhancing and expanding theses crucial programs and services that support our mission of building communities where children are free from abuse and neglect."

The merger is expected to streamline administration while keeping critical services operational in each county. A new board of directors has been created for CAN Council Great Lakes Bay Region.

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: Suzanne Greenberg, CAN Council Great Lakes Bay Region
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