Bay Area Chamber of Commerce debuts new mobile app

The Bay Area Chamber of Commerce is following the lead of successful chambers and business bureaus nationwide, with their latest offering; a mobile app for smartphones and tablets that can help local residents and guests get in touch with the business community.

The app, which is available on iPhone, iPad, Android and Blackberry platforms, is free, and available for download via the chamber's website.

"In today's tech-focused world, we realized a mobile app is the best way for us to connect with the community using technology," says Jesse Pero, director of sales and marketing for the chamber. "Our new mobile app will deliver tremendous value to not only our members, but also the community as a whole. We see this mobile app becoming the destination for mobile internet users seeking information about the Great Lakes Bay Region."

Some of its features include a directory of members, event registration, community news, and special discounts.

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: Jesse Pero, Bay Area Chamber of Commerce
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