Rehmann's Midland office promotes Hert

Mid-Michigan accounting and financial firm Rehmann announced that Jeff Hert will be the new principal advisor in charge of the firm's Midland office.

Hert, a CPA, has worked in the Midland office for 12 years, and has been in public accounting since 1993.

"Jeff is a talented and experienced CPA and we're thrilled to have him in Midland," says Rehmann chairman and CEO Steve Kelly.

Hert will continue to provide tax and business advising services for both individual and business clients. His clients include manufacturers, health care providers, contractors, retailers, real estate companies, fiduciaries and nonprofits.

Saginaw-based Rehmann has offices in Michigan, Ohio and Florida, and offers business consulting, financial advising, accounting, and professional investigation.

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: Steven Kelly, Rehmann
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