MMCC student completes alternative energy tech program

The alternative energy industry in Mid Michigan is seen by many as the future of the region, and the state, so it’s going to be vital to have qualified workers to support the growing industry. That’s the idea behind Mid Michigan Community College’s alternative energy technician program, which is showing results, with its first graduate just announced.

Brian Miller of Gladwin is the first MMCC student to complete the program, successfully passing installation certification exams for small wind turbines and photovoltaic systems. With those exams under his belt, he’s qualified to assist with installing solar and wind energy systems for residential locations.

Miller is a textbook example of a Michigander reinventing himself, as he previously put in 20 years of work at auto parts manufacturer CME in Mt. Pleasant. After a buyout a few years ago, Miller saw a future in alternative energy, and enrolled at MMCC in June 2010.

"The program was really interesting, and I learned a lot," says Miller. "I feel well-prepared to go to work in this field. And, since it’s an emerging and growing field, I expect lots of employment opportunities."

Since Miller was the program’s first student, he also helped to troubleshoot the process for future students, according to Ed VanAvery, associate director of technical trades at MMCC. He says the program is designed to introduce the basic safety and electrical skills needed to perform entry-level installation, and familiarize them with the basics of solar, wind and hydrogen fuel cell technologies. Follow-up training is then an option, in order for students to take the installer certifications.

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: Brian Miller, Mid Michigan Community College
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