This summer Battle Creek was named an All-America City
JW Barleycorn's is a participating business.
Kitchen Proper is a participating business.
Rice's Shoes is a participating business where patrcipants can get a punh card stamped on the way to winning prizes.
One day just wasn’t enough to celebrate the city’s status as an All-America City so officials with BC Vision decided to extend the celebration through the end of October.
As part of the festivities, residents are encouraged to stop by one of several local businesses to receive their All-America punch card. Every time they visit one of those businesses this month, they can get their card stamped. If they make a purchase at a participating business, they’ll receive a stamp on their card worth five additional entries into drawings for a chance to win some cool prizes.
Participating businesses include:
Kitchen Proper
JW Barleycorn's
Rice's Shoes
Cereal City Tattoo
Mike's Team Active Bikes
Café Rica
Shwe Mandalay
LynnIvan Salon
Residents will be able to turn in their punch cards before Nov. 8 to the BC Vision offices, at 34 W. Jackson Street, in exchange for a t-shirt and wristband, in addition to an entry into the drawings.
On Sept. 28, a party was held for residents at the Battle Creek Y-Center to celebrate the award.
Officials with the City of Battle Creek received the All-America City award in June, says Emirrora Austin, an assistant with BC Vision. She was part of a delegation that traveled to Denver to compete for the award.
“Every year cities can apply. We applied last year and didn’t win, but this year we were a finalist and the theme was health, so we highlighted three programs, including Operation Fit and the Crisis Intervention Team,” Austin says. “We put together a skit about the health programs and performed it in front of a panel of judges who asked us questions at the end.”
Battle Creek was one of 29 finalists and one of 10 cities to win the All-America designation.
“The All-America City award recognizes communities that have gone above and beyond,” Austin says. “This is important because Battle Creek has been recognized on a national level for the work being done to improve the city and make it better for people who live, work and play here.”
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Jane Parikh is a freelance reporter and writer with more than 20 years of experience and also is the owner of In So Many Words based in Battle Creek. She is the Project Editor for On the Ground Battle Creek.