Science and spring break go together, thanks to the Great Lakes Bay Region STEM Pipeline

If spring break for your family doesn’t mean traveling to sunny beaches, don’t despair. There’s plenty of family fun to be had without leaving Bay County.

Most area schools celebrate Spring Break 2023 from Mon., April 3 to Mon., April 10. Any kid will tell you that means a week of sleeping in, watching TV, playing games, and no homework. Any parent will tell you the thrill of that wears off long before the week ends.

No worries, though. When the kids get tired of doing nothing, there are plenty of fun options waiting.

Rich VanTol, who coordinates early childhood education programs through the Bay-Arenac ISD, encourages parents to take advantage of all the opportunities in the region, especially during breaks from school.
The Delta College Planetarium in Downtown Bay City hosts family-friendly, fun events throughout the year.
Celebrate a STEM Staycation in the Great Lakes Bay Region

The Great Lakes Bay Region STEM Pipeline planned a series of adventures in the area, beginning March 25 and ending April 9. We promise the kids won’t notice most of these are educational.

For general information, including a contest, visit the Great Lakes Bay STEM Ecosystem Pipeline website. When you visit any of the locations included in the staycation, snap a photo, post it on Facebook and tag @STEMPipeline, and you’ll be entered into a drawing for prizes.

 The full calendar of events is here.

Special events during the Spring Break Staycation 2023 include:The Historical Museum is just one of the Bay County locations offering special programs during Spring Break 2023.Other Bay County locations with special events during the Staycation include:If your family enjoys these activities, keep your eyes open for other staycation events coming this summer.

Catch a Show at the State Theater

For the younger kids, the State Theater will show “Peter Rabbit,” at 2 p.m. Sun., April 2. Admission is free with a food donation to benefit Safe Harbor Kitchen. The family-friendly movie is based on the books by Beatrix Potter.

Families with older kids may enjoy The Magic Bus Live and In Concert at 7 p.m. Sat., April 1 at the State Theater. The concert features the music of the late 1960s. Concert-goers will hear song made popular by Janis Joplin, Jefferson Airplane, the Byrds, Three Dog Night, Jimi Hendrix and Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. Tickets are $20. Students get in for $10.
You can check out more than books from the Bay County Library System. The libraries offer puzzles, STEAM kits, and more.
Visit Your Library

Anytime you visit, the Bay County Library System lets kids check out everything from books and puzzles to board games and STEM kits. Check out some of the collections available at the library here.

During Spring Break, the library is offering a couple different special opportunities.

First up  is Storytime at Populace Coffee at 9 a.m. Mon., April 3. Adults can enjoy a beverage at the 810 Saginaw St. coffee house while the kids talk, read, and sing about April Showers.

The next day, Tues., April 4, is Touch a Truck Story Time with the City of Bay City at the Alice and Jack Wirt Library, 500 Center Ave.  The event runs from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Bay City Electric Light & Power provides the bucket trucks for the kids to explore. Each family also will receive a copy of “If I Were a Lineworker,” which will be read during the event. April 4 also is Lineworker Appreciation Day.

Great Lakes Bay Parents Calendar 

The Great Lakes Bay Parents Calendar is a year-round resource for kids activities. During Spring Break, you'll find story times, Delta College Planetarium shows, Easter Egg hunts and more.

VanTol stresses that families keep an eye on these calendars to stay abreast of the options throughout the year.

"We want to impress upon families the urgency to do something and let them know there are opportunities," VanTol says.


Read more articles by Kathy Roberts.

Kathy Roberts, a graduate of Central Michigan University, moved to Bay City in 1987 to start a career in the newspaper industry. She was a reporter and editor at the Bay City Times for 15 years before leaving to work at the Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, Covenant HealthCare, and Ohno Design. In 2019, she returned to her storytelling roots as the Managing Editor of Route Bay City. When she’s not editing or writing stories, you can find her reading books, knitting, or visiting the bars of Bay County. You can reach Kathy at  
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