Xoran Technologies moves into bigger HQ in Ann Arbor

Bigger is better for Ann Arbor's Xoran Technologies. At least, when it comes to workplaces.

The portable CAT scan company just upgraded its facilities, moving from a 20,000-square-foot home on Ann Arbor’s north side to a 45,000-square-foot space in Tech Park on South State Street. Xoran Technologies also has an option of expanding into even more space during the lease.

"We're definitely expanding in our area," says Susie Vestevich, manager of public relations and corporate communication for Xoran Technologies

The company got its start eight years ago and has created about 60 jobs during that time. It recently hired five new people and expects to fill more spots later this year. The growth is expected to continue, allowing Xoran Technologies to eventually fill all of its new space.

Source: Susie Vestevich, manager of public relations and corporate communication for Xoran Technologies
Writer: Jon Zemke
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