Professional Communications consults worldwide, grows staff

Gary Salton worked in investment banking for decades, feasting or starving on commissions for years. A few of those cycles prompted Salton, who maintained a condo in Ann Arbor, to set up his own business in downtown in 1991.

Professional Communications was the Seinfeld of start-ups then. It was company driven by an entrepreneur determined to make it on his own, but without a clear goal on what he wanted to do. "It was literally, 'I'm going to do something,'" Salton says.

That turned into an organizational consulting firm specifically designed for a small staff. Today it employs three people that handle work for companies around the world. Salton recently stepped aside as CEO to become the company's chief of research & development. He expects the company to continue to grow by adding two jobs over the next two years.

"We're stretched to the limit over here," Salton says. "Even though machines do most of the work, we still need more people to answer the phones."

Source: Gary Salton, chief of research & development for Professional Communications
Writer: Jon Zemke

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