Reveal Design Automation triples staff, develops Beta product

Reveal Design Automation recently received a loan from the Michigan Microloan Fund, money it is leveraging to continue development of its software and expand its team.

"We started with 2-3 employees in the beginning," says Zaher Andraus, CEO & founder of Reveal Design Automation. "We have tripled our team since then."

The Ann Arbor-based firm is commercializing faster and more effective Integrated Circuit (IC) design quality control software. It has been working with a few Beta customers over the last year and expects to launch its product to the market at large within the next 12 months as it gears up its engineering and marketing efforts.

"We are focused on getting a PO'd [purchased ordered] from a few companies," Andraus says.

Source: Zaher Andraus, CEO & founder of Reveal Design Automation
Writer: Jon Zemke

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