The movie going habits of Ann Arbor and Sioux City, Iowa

What's the tie that binds Ann Arbor Sioux Center, Iowa? Movies.


In many cases, the cultural differences in our communities stand out the most – more than economic or political differences.

This week, we are traveling with PBS’s "NewsHour" to what may be two of the most culturally different communities in our breakdown: Ann Arbor, Mich., a young and collegiate “Campus and Careers” locale, and Sioux Center, Iowa, a rural and agricultural "Tractor Country" site.

But using at least one cultural marker, we find that the cities share something in common – or they appear to: a love of the movies. We analyzed a 2006 survey from the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press and found interesting similarities in moviegoing habits between "Campus and Careers” and “Tractor Country."

Those two community types have the most avid moviegoers, according to the survey. About 14 percent of the people polled in each type say they attend the movies once a week or more. That’s far more than the average of about 5 percent.

Read the rest of the story here.
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