Regional Transit Authority to meet

One week after receiving a detailed list of concerns about its new master plan from the executives of Oakland and Macomb counties, the Regional Transit Authority will hold a special meeting Thursday.

The vote was postponed one week so the RTA could address concerns outlined in the memo from Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson and Macomb County Executive Mark Hackel. The concerns detailed in the memo include what Oakland and Macomb County taxpayers will receive under the plan in exchange for their investment and how the RTA will guarantee service delivery to the two counties.

The plan, which was released May 31st, outlines a vision for a coordinated future regional transit system for Wayne, Oakland, Macomb and Washtenaw counties, including such public transportation modalities as Bus Rapid Transit, cross-county connector bus service, airport express service, and more. The RTA board was to vote last week on placing a 1.2-mill property tax over 20 years on the ballot in the four affected counties on Nov. 8, 2016.

The RTA will meet at 1:00 pm at the Detroit Regional Chamber Office, One Woodward Ave (19th Floor). The meeting is open to the public.

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