Oak Park

From the beloved Ernie’s Market to new breweries and restaurants, the scene at Oak Park is rapidly growing. Previously a quiet contender next to its popular neighbors Royal Oak and Ferndale, this Oakland County city of over 30,000 has become the place to go for those in the know. We’re here to share its fascinating story. 

Feature Story PieSci

4 Oak Park eateries that are taking pizza to the next level

Partner Content OakPark Mural

New Oak Park mural marks change in city placemaking

Longform Ronnie Stienke stands outside his apartment in Pontiac. He credits finding housing with helping him to get sober after 32 years of addiction.
Feature Story Oak Park
Feature Story Pages in the Park.
Feature Story Mother Hive

Oak Park's Mother Hive helps keep the city sweet

Feature Story Oak Park Library
Feature Story Oak Park

Oak Park seeks to elevate parks with new recreation initiative