State of Health

Longform small-ohio
Longform Small-team-smile

New series explores efforts to address oral health inequities

Longform Small-team-smile

New series explores efforts to address oral health inequities

Longform A gathering for Michigan State University's Generations Connect program, which matches MSU undergraduate students with elders in the community, at the East Lansing Public Library.
Longform Care Model Training recipients Dinora Quintanilla (far left) and Kim Poplaski (far right) with Care Model Training facilitator Vanessa Jimenez (center).
Longform K-Connect's data dashboard for Kent County.
Longform Jae Gerhart, manager of farm programs for Trinity Health Ann Arbor, at The Farm at Trinity Health in Ypsilanti. The Farm offers a produce prescription program for those who struggle to afford healthy food.
Longform Joe Volpe, program manager at Ferndale's Affirmations LGBTQ+ Community Center.

Mental health takes heavy toll on Michigan's LGBTQ youth

Longform A rendering of the future Fresh! by Gleaners.
Longform Danielle Atkinson, founder and national director of Mothering Justice, has been instrumental in advocating for paid leave in Michigan.
Longform Produce from the Youth Mentor Garden at Marquette Park in Wyoming, Mich.
Innovation News Michigan Nurses' Study image
Longform Ariane Donnelly, Anne Davis, and Tanya Andrews at the Prescription for Health booth at the Pittsfield Township Farmers Market. Prescription for Health is Washtenaw County's produce prescription program.
Longform Ariane Donnelly, Anne Davis, and Tanya Andrews at the Prescription for Health booth at the Pittsfield Township Farmers Market. Prescription for Health is Washtenaw County's produce prescription program.
Longform Amy Nichols, campus coordinator for the Region IV Area Agency on Aging, at the Campus for Creative Aging's booth in the South Haven Art Fair. She shows an example of the Window to Our World art project for care partners.
Longform The Inclusive Health Care Taskforce hosted an information and resource fair on June 13.
Longform Derek Miller, program supervisor for Kalamazoo County’s Healty Babies Healthy Start & 4Dad Fatherhood Program, with Sidni Miller, community health worker, inside Kalamazoo County’s Health and Community Services building.
Longform Lunchtime at Oehrli Elementary School in Montague, Mich.
Longform Patricia Tillman-Meakins, Tracey Williams, and Becca Fleming at Packard Health Clinic at West Willow.
Feature Story Homg Miller leads a fitness class for in person participants at the Detroit office of the Association of Chinese Americans and participants on Zoom.