Downtown Ann Arbor moves ahead with percent for art program

As if downtown Ann Arbor, long known as a haven for creativity, couldn't get artsy enough, it's about to get even more so this summer.

The city plans to set aside $50,000 to install a piece of public art on the parking structure at Fourth and William streets. The art will be part of the parking deck's $5 million renovation and will be facilitated by the city's 1 percent for art program.

The program is meant to facilitate more public art in the downtown area by putting aside 1 percent of the construction budget for public art. A number of other major cities and states, such as New York City and Maine, have similar percent for art programs. They are viewed as widely successful by the public in the areas they are in.

The piece of public art for the parking deck hasn’t been picked yet, but will be in the near future. The city is also looking at doing something similar with the proposed new city hall.

Source: City of Ann Arbor
Writer: Jon Zemke

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