DTE, Gleaners hook up to grow food for the needy

The partnership between DTE Energy and Gleaners to produce food for the needy has now grown to eight sites in Southeastern Michigan. They've added six new plots of land that will be used to grow fresh food for those in desperate need.


DTE Energy and Gleaners started the program last year at substations in Auburn Hills and Plymouth Township, where more than 5,300 pounds of produce was grown with the help of volunteers from schools, community groups and religious organizations. More help will be needed this year.

"This year we're looking to greatly increase the yield," said Vince Dow, DTE Energy vice president, distribution operations. "We had an incredible response to the program last year and there is even more need for our harvests than ever before. We hope that groups and individuals will respond where we've expanded.

Read the entire article here.
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