Children's clothing boutique moves into downtown Royal Oak

A mother of four turned entrepreneur is getting her dress-up-the-kids fix through her new store, Spoil 'Em Rotten in downtown Royal Oak.

Shay Van opened the children's clothing boutique at 630 E. 11 Mile on Oct. 1, and the traffic has been great, she says.

Her business model is to offer every day clothing that can't be found just anywhere and to sell dressier clothing "that won't break your pocketbook."

"I have the the things you wouldn't always see at the mall, things for special occasions that aren't the usual … And I believe it should be affordable."

The opening of the 2,200-square-foot shop, which was previously a jewelry store, brings business back to a spot that's been empty for five years.

It's also one mom's new full-time career.

"I was a stay-at-home mom of four children," Van says. "That's what made me really get into this. It's really fun. It's like shopping for everyone's kids."

Writer: Kim North Shine
Source: Shay Van, owner, Spoil 'Em Rotten boutique, Royal Oak
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