Humble Daisy's ProfCast making waves

Imagine you’re trying to record a presentation. Now imagine you’ve got a nifty piece of software that records your presentation, incorporates your MicroSoft PowerPoint presentation and ties in meta-date and enhanced media files synced to your audio.

That’s what Humble Daisy, Inc., founders (and husband and wife) David and Michael Chmura of Ann Arbor were envisioning two years ago when they designed ProfCast, a presentation capture program that’s in wide use throughout the nation’s top colleges.

“My wife and I started the company in 2002 to do web development and web application design,” David Chmura says. “About two years ago I got tired of waiting for someone to come up with an intelligent solution for recording presentations and lectures, and ProfCast came from that.”

Last week, the Chmuras trekked to the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, and David Chmura says it’s hard to tell how that trip will pay off.

“We provide a software application, and there aren’t many people at that show who have a software-only application,” he says. “There are a lot of gadgets … but the people that we did talk to were very enthusiastic about what we’re doing.”

In the meantime, ProfCast seems to be doing well – Chmura says the software is used throughout the Ivy League and at the Big 10 and Pac 10 schools – and, of course, at the University of Michigan.

Chmura is currently working on an update to ProfCast that includes full-motion video.

Source: David Chmura, Humble Daisy
Writer: Nancy Kaffer

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