The Michigan Senate okays a Regional Transit Authority for Metro Detroit

Could it really be happening? Is Metro Detroit at the tipping point? Will we finally enter the 20th Century for mass transit (that wasn't a mistake btw). Well, there is still the House to pass. And the governor's desk. And the counties have to learn how to play nice together. And car-centric Metro Detroiters have to finally get on board. But our Magic 8 Ball says "Signs point to yes."
"While the package may still face obstacles in the House, Sen. Bert Johnson, D-Detroit, hailed today's vote as a step in the right direction for both the region and state.
"After decades of stalled attempts, characterized by bitter partisanship and territorial disputes, I am pleased to say we are closer than ever to achieving the goal of building a functional mass transit system, competing for federal transit dollars and bringing southeastern Michigan into the 21st Century," he said."
Read the rest here.
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