
Longform Odindi Youth Action Village co-founders Akin and Bambo Oluwadare.
Longform Groundbreaking at the future Eastern Washtenaw Community and Recreation Center.

Community center coming to site of former Ypsi Township school

Innovation News Father and son Bambo Oluwadare (right) and Akin Oluwadare (left), and their nonprofit Odindi Youth Action Village, have spearheaded the renovation of West Willow Park alongside the New West Willow Neighborhood Association.

West Willlow Park renovation breaks ground in Ypsi Township

Longform Linda Mealing at the NWWNA Community Garden.
Longform Lowertown Bar and Cafe co-owners Pete Baker and Joe Bollinger.
Longform Reverends Teleah and Donald Phillips at Brown Chapel AME Church in Ypsilanti.
Longform Elisa Guyton and Josh McAllister in the future maker space location at Friends In Deed.
Feature Story "I didn't want to self destruct" by Elleona Kristine.
Feature Story Djaka Kaba's photo of the garden at Growing Hope.

Voices of Youth: An Ypsilanti photo essay

Development News The future site of the HUB Center.
Longform Kallista Walker at the 2022 Parkridge SummerFest and Joe Dulin Community Day.
Longform Billy Cole.