Eastern Market plan calls for $50M in investment over 10 years

The long-term plans for Detroit's Eastern Market calls for $50 million in investment.


As work proceeds on Eastern Market's Shed 3, planning and fundraising for more capital improvements to the rest of the neighborhood continue. At two town hall meetings last week, Eastern Market Corporation (EMC) president Dan Carmody presented an overview of his organization's comprehensive plan, "Eastern Market 360", for the entire district.

Shed 4 will be a new two-story market hall built on the lot just north of Shed 3. It will host approximately 14 food processing vendors on the ground floor -- think artisanal cheese, organic tortillas and pasta -- and a teaching kitchen and classrooms on the second level. Plans call for Shed 4 and Shed 3 to share a geothermal heating and cooling system.

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