GREEN SPACE: Kensington to host sustainability fair, farmers market Sep. 12

The Healthy Traditions Network, Metro Detroit's chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation, is hosting its annual Growing Connections Organic Harvest Festival and Conference on September 12 at the Kensington Metropark Farm Center. The one-day sustainable living farmer's market is Michigan's largest, and works to connect consumers to organic farmers and other eco-friendly vendors on a local level.

The market will feature various organic farms and creameries from throughout the state with a large offering of products including organic grass fed beef, free range chicken, eggs, farm fresh milk, yogurt, cheese, and produce. Additionally, there will be local health practitioners, soap makers, health food stores, and other vendors of organic home products.

The conference part of the day offers a series of lectures. The schedule is as follows:
9:30 a.m.: Proper Use of Popular Herbs
11 a.m.: Eating Organically on a Budget
2:30 p.m.: Cholesterol...The Real Truth
4:10 p.m.: Stopping the Sugar Addiction

Lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m.; it can be pre-ordered with registration for $10. Incidentally, pre-registration for all four lectures is $35 and will be $45 at the door.

Throw in an all-day cycle of children's eco-friendly crafts, face painting, and guided petting farm (free!) and you've got yourself a nice day out at Kensington.

Discounted pre-registration ends today, so head to to save a ten-spot.

Writer: Kelli B. Kavanaugh
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