GREEN SPACE: Hot fun in the summertime green tips

Summer sure took a while to get heated up, but now it seems to be here in full force. Consider this edition of Green Space your official "Green Guide" to summer in Southeast Michigan.
  • Give up on perfect lawn guilt. There are two rules that everyone should be following when it comes to grass: Mow long and leave the grass clippings in place. Period. Read more here.
  • Use a propane grill. Sorry purists, but charcoal emits a pretty hefty amount of soot. Unless you are super-awesome and have a solar-powered grill, propane is the way to go. Read more here.
  • Accept sweat as a part of life. Crazy cold air conditioning adds to your carbon footprint like mad. Invest in some Energy Star-certified ceiling fans and roll the windows down in your car. Once you allow your body to adjust to the higher temperature, it's amazing how the vast majority of Michigan days (except, of course insanely muggy 95-plus-degree ones) are surprisingly comfortable without air conditioning.
  • Grab a paddle or some pedals. Kayaking, canoeing and cycling are three awesome -- and low-impact -- summer activities.
  • Head to your local farmers market. Support Michigan farmers and enjoy the freshest produce available. Metro Detroit has a plethora of options and, of course, the grand-daddy of them all, Eastern Market. Read more here.
Have a great summer while staying green.

Writer: Kelli B. Kavanaugh
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