CJPS Enterprises acquires Delphi's VitalPoint business, creates jobs

Christophe Sevrain sees the future of healthcare -- a future with fewer doctors and nurses along the bedsides of patients. And that's a good thing.

The CEO of CJPS Enterprises recently had his Troy-based firm acquire Delphi's VitalPoint business, a technologically advanced remote patient monitoring product. The technology allows for health-care workers and even patients to monitor their health and even warn them of possible bad turns, such as heart attacks.

"We think this is a very important technology," Sevrain says.

He believes that the time and resources of the health-care industry and its workers will become increasingly valuable as people continue to live longer and the Baby Boom generation hits its golden years. Add to that the shortage of doctors and nurses, rising cost of health-care services, and preference for home care, and CJPS Enterprises' new product could become quite valuable.

CJPS Enterprises focuses on the health-care industry, servicing customers that range from hospitals looking to cut costs to small businesses trying to expand and diversify. The company, which has about a dozen employees, moved from West Bloomfield to Troy a little more than a year ago and has made a handful of hires in that time. Sevrain says the firm has a couple of job openings right now and expects to fill them by the end of the year.

"We're profitable and we're growing nicely," Sevrain says.

Source: Christophe Sevrain, CEO of CJPS Enterprises
Writer: Jon Zemke
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