Blog: Diane Geiger TenHoopen

A filmmaker by training, web project manager/producer (and blogger)Diane Geiger TenHoopen worked for Detroit-based companies such as The Collective, and BrainGain Marketing. Diane wants you to consider your relationship with the metro Detroit area, and invites you to kindle/rekindle a more romantic approach.

Diane Geiger – Post 4: When Urban Hearts Turn Cold

Relationship experts cite some of the following as signs that your relationship could be in trouble:

·      You spend less time together
·      You stop doing nice things for each other
·      You spend longer hours away from each other
·      You need distractions in order to spend time together
·      Communication becomes minimal and often negative (focused on what isn’t going right)
·      Criticism becomes more common than compliments
·      Differences are criticized rather than enjoyed
·      Conflict leads to resentment, not resolution
·      Humor is at the other’s expense
·      The relationship lacks the clarity and passion you once gave it
·      You resist stepping up and following-through on promises
·      There is an increased focus on instant gratification (rather than long-term happiness)

Each of these points offers insight into what can be given back to the relationship, to turn it around.

Can we apply this knowledge to our relationships with our city?

Tomorrow: Courting Detroit (some tips for kindling your civic romance)